
This art works are printed with Charbonnel etching ink on Hahne Müle 300g acid free paper.
They are then colored with Winsor and Newton watercolors
and Faber Castell Polychromos colored pencils.
30 x 42 cm.

The quality of all these traditional products ensures that the piece will endure,
and guarantees its lightfastness and the stability of the medium.

Several prints are made of each etching, but each drawing contains differences in inking and coloring, making each one unique.

These images are the opposite of large-scale digital prints and the consumerist production of images without a physical medium. They remind us that the artist is also a technician and craftsman, who produces tangible work with his or her specific savoir-faire.

These works are directly inspired by decorative prints popular in the nineteenth century. The monotype technique still preserves an unexpected aspect when it comes to the distribution of color. In each drawing, a form of visual poetry, disorder sets in. What is brought under control and what let be?  Order or chaos?